Get Hilarious Mother’s Day Cards from

As a blogger, I’m in a ton of affiliate programs and therefore get a ton of affiliate mail that I almost never read, but with Mother’s Day coming up soon, this one caught my eye because I’m always in the mood for humor.


They have over 450 cute cards to choose from for Mother’s Day and you can personalize them to make them personally hilarious for mom. My mom can always use a good cackle, so rather than go to the local drugstore this year, I’ll probably give buying a card online a try.

Here’s one that’s pretty fitting…


Although… occasional may be pushing it a bit. is a little different in that you subscribe to a card club and buy at the very least, six cards at a time. They cost like $2.49 each and you have to pay shipping, but have  you noticed how much cards cost at the store nowadays? Freaking $6+ bucks each! I flipped out when I saw how much my total was when I took the kids Valentine’s Day shopping in February.

Right now is having a sale on Mother’s Day cards, so you can get an additional 25% off of these cards by using the checkout code TREATMOM25. The deadline for this promo is tomorrow, April 30 at 11:49 PM Pacific, so get started on your order like right now.

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