RIP Victor Gorelick

Yesterday, I heard the sad news that longtime Archie Comics editor-in-chief Victor Gorelick passed away last week. A lot of you know that I write a weekly comic, which is *really* hard to do on top of everything else, and a lot of that drive and passion and humor comes from my lifelong love of … Read more

Grocery Grumbling: Creamed Honey

It’s a well-established part of my life that when I’m going out with a specific list of ingredients, something on that list will either be too exotic for the store I’m at or completely sold out on that day.

One time I needed butterscotch topping to try a butterbeer recipe and at the first grocery store, they just didn’t seem to carry any. Then I went to Safeway and stood in shock as I looked at the shelf of caramel toppings with one very empty row with a butterscotch tag underneath. Once I needed cilantro for guac and the store was out. Another time it was daikon.

This happened to me again on Superbowl Sunday.

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A Bento Restoration

I’ve now been woefully unemployed for about six weeks now and have started applying for writing and blogging jobs in the hopes that I can find something remote to replace the remote job I so unfortunately lost last month.

I know I never did blog after posting my rules for working from home, but I really did take well to it, even though I’d had many doubts. In the end, I found that the benefits of being able to take a short 5 minute break and throw a load of laundry in did wonders for keeping up with Mt. Everest in the bathroom.

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My Five Self-Imposed Rules for Working from Home

For the last 7 years or so, I’ve worked at the local university that I graduated from, sadly but necessarily taking up a career in administration while holding a degree in English that quietly sobbed in a corner and only felt useful when I was able to churn out an editorial on one of the many websites I run.

Two weeks ago, I unexpectedly found myself without a job. Fortunately for me, I was able to quickly find something new and it was doing something I’d always wanted to do: write.

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