Mimi Collage of Cute

Last year, after I stupidly suggested we go to the Hawaiian Humane Society “just to look” at the puppies I saw they had on Facebook, we ended up taking home a puppy. She was so tiny and we were sure our dog Max would find a way to accidentally eat her, but she grew up just fine and is still running around our yard like a frantic puppy.

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Recipe: Japanese Ozoni Soup

Although I will be 34 this year, this New Year’s is the first time I’ve made my own ozoni. Ozoni is a Japanese New Year’s soup that I can remember eating from small kid time, but I usually just eat soup other people prepare. From eating it through the years, I knew what the basics were, but I wasn’t sure about a recipe, so I asked around Twitter and Facebook. The responses I got and the articles I found online all seemed extremely basic. So although I got some helpful tips, I ended up deciding it was simple enough for me to just wing it.

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