Perfect for people who are always looking for what to read next.

What is a digital subscription box?
Okay, so you’re probably wondering what a digital subscription box is. Imagine one of those cool curated subscription boxes you get in the mail, only this one doesn’t come in the mail, it comes via email.
You see, the thing about real subscription boxes is, while they’re fun to open, in the end they essentially amount to clutter (except for the delicious snack ones, cause you just eat those).
So instead of a physical box, I’m offering a digital box of fun things for people who love to read. Free ebooks, ebook deals, book giveaways, puzzles (this is super popular!), that sort of thing. It’s still got that bit of a mystery surrounding it that’s so attractive in subscription boxes but without any of the physical downsides.
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Your email address. That’s it! The Book Lovers Box is free to subscribers. Always has been and always will be. So what’s stopping you?
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Past Boxes
Check out the past boxes below! You get access to the current box just by signing up.

July 2020
Extraterrestrials theme. Included books from 19 authors. Featured book: A.L.I.V.E. by RD Brady

March 2020
Small town charm theme. Included books from 18 authors. Featured book: The Amplifier Protocol by Meghan Ciana Diodge

December 2019
Christmas theme. Included books from 16 authors. Featured book: A Secret Christmas by Lauren Royal

September 2019
MG fantasy/adventure theme. Included books from 15 authors. Featured book: The Gallery of Wonders by Marc Remus

June 2019
Cozy mystery theme. Included books from 17 authors. Featured book: Curtains for Romeo by Jessa Archer

March 2019
Technothriller theme. Included books from 14 authors. Featured book: The Atlantis Gene by A.G. Riddle

December 2018
Magic theme. Included books from 21 authors. Featured book: Fragments of Light by Beth Hodgson

September 2018
Space Opera theme. Included books from 21 authors. Featured book: Chimera by NJ Tanger

June 2018
Mythology theme. Included books from 21 authors. Featured book: The Gorgon Bride by Galen Surlak-Ramsey

June 2020
Sword & sorcery theme. Included books from 16 authors. Featured book: Knight Chosen by Tammy Salyer

February 2020
Science fiction & fantasy romance theme. Included books from 16 authors. Featured book: The Fate of the Tala by Jeffe Kennedy

November 2019
Family theme. Included books from 20 authors. Featured book: Ill-fated by Jody Wenner

August 2019
Paranormal theme. Included books from 22 authors. Featured book: Soul Breaker by Clara Coulson

May 2019
Dystopian theme. Included books from 14 authors. Featured book: Annihilation of Foreverland by Tony Bertauski

February 2019
Happily Ever After theme. Included books from 15 authors. Featured book: Lady Danger by Glynnis Campbell

November 2018
Crime Thriller theme. Included books from 15 authors. Featured book: The Tracker by Chad Zunker

August 2018
Doomsday theme. Included books from 15 authors. Featured book: The Doomsday Chronicles

May 2018
New Beginnings theme. Included books from 15 authors. Featured book: A Conspiracy of Rogues by Jonathon Burgess

May 2020
Espionage theme. Included books from 15 authors. Featured book: Never Say Spy by Diane Henders

January 2020
New year, new books theme. Included books from 18 authors. Featured book: As the Crow Flies by Rysa Walker and Caleb Amsel

October 2019
Evil theme. Included books from 18 authors. Featured book: The Mine by Daniel Yuschik

July 2019
Time travel theme. Included books from 11 authors. Featured book: The Time Travel Chronicles from Samuel Peralta

April 2019
Epic fantasy theme. Included books from 18 authors. Featured book: Winds of Darkness by Rebecca L. Snowe

January 2019
YA/Coming of Age theme. Included books from 18 authors. Featured book: Looper by Michael Conlon

October 2018
Horror theme. Included books from 17 authors. Featured book: Wicked Innocents by S.H. Livernois

July 2018
Beach theme. Included books from 17 authors. Featured book: Pam of Babylon by Suzanne Jenkins

April 2018
Beach theme. Included books from 17 authors. Featured book: A Little Pill Called Love by Jas T. Ward