Ah, 2019. It’s finally here, and work is finally starting again. Or did it ever stop? It never really stopped for me, which is why for the first time in almost seventy comics, I’m posting this a day late. (gasp!)
It’s a case of the usual: I overextended myself. As I mentioned in this post, I found myself with a regular workload and a website redesign on top of it. Then, on New Year’s Day, we had our big family party, and silly me forgot to budget time properly. We didn’t get home until 10 p.m., and I still had the January Book Lovers Box to do! I’d been smart enough to start that promo on the 2nd instead of the 1st, but I definitely should have gone with the 3rd.
Anyway, I got a good rest last night, after yet another family party, this one at our house, and I feel ready to get back into the thick of work (although I did manage to eke out an hour yesterday).

It wasn’t just because of the website relaunch and the Book Box, though. I simply forgot what day of the week it is. When my kids are home constantly, all the days start bleeding together, and I honestly just had no idea it was Wednesday yesterday.
This week’s comic shows Edie still unable to shut off her
Hope you all had a relaxing break. If you’re starting a diet soon, I’m with ya! I restart keto on Monday.
Oh! Something new: a SimpleMarkup PopSocket! It’s now available on Amazon. Not sure what that is? It’s something you stick to the back of a device. You can “pop” the upper section up and collapse half of it so that you have a handy little thing to prop it up on a flat surface. It’s also handy for holding the device in your hand while lying down.
My daughter uses this for her phone. I’ll probably grab myself one for holding my Kindle up while I’m eating.
Have a great rest of your week!