Alrighty, let me start this post by saying up front that my brain is mush. I’ve worked on this week’s “comic” for over five hours. Last week, as is typical, I mentioned in my office Slack that I had no idea what to do for the big 100. Just like that, an idea popped into my head, and I knew it was going to take a lot of effort.
That said, I didn’t think it would be an ALL-DAY AFFAIR. It’s past 4 p.m. here, and I still need to work!

Technically I’ve done more than 100 comics, as I did several Extended SimpleMarkups for the Book Lovers Box last year, but going by my weekly comic, it’s 100.
I hope people have enjoyed the comic over the last couple of years. With this many comics built up, my next goal is a book. It’s been on my to-do list for quite some time, and now that I’ve hit this milestone, I think I’m ready to actually start planning things out.
If you’d like to show your support for me and Edie, I put posters of this image up for sale on my Red Bubble store. Be sure to check it out here! The prices range from $12.95 to $29.99, depending on the size you choose.
My thanks to my illustrator, Galihwindu, who created my little imaginary edibuddy and continues to help me bring her to the editing and writing communities through his adorable artwork.