I’m on Day 11 at home with my kids, and they’re holding up well, functioning as normal, meaning they’re fighting and asking me to referee every five minutes and whining about extra chores. The usual.
The highlight of our day yesterday was going to pick up groceries and driving through a nearly deserted Waikiki. Traffic was amazing in that there was none. I don’t know if we’ll keep doing that, as every day that goes by I get a little more paranoid about outside things coming in, even though I wiped everything with a Clorox wipe and threw the bags away.

As you can see, Edie and her buddy are social distancing (DO IT!!), and Edie’s lamenting how time seems to have no meaning anymore. This is how it’s been this week—that’s how it usually is during Spring Break, only now Spring Break has no end yet—and I have to constantly check a calendar or clock to ground myself because I have no internal clock anymore.
And yes, this comic is a confession. My daughter baked a “corona cake” yesterday, and I ate a giant piece she dropped on the table after all three of them refused to eat it. Despite how terrible it is to eat cake for lunch, I did feel a bit happier, mostly because she made a cake and it tasted yummy.
Also, diet judging has been canceled. 🙂
Stay safe, stay healthy, stay home (if you can), edibuddies.