In addition to the pandemic, summer is really working a number on my concept of time lately. I go to bed between 1 and 2 but can’t seem to sleep past 7 even if I want to, and I usually get up with no alarm between 6 and 6:30. Then later, when it still looks like it’s the middle of the day, it’s suddenly 6:30 again, and I forgot to start cooking dinner.
And then we eat at 8 or later. Argh!
Good thing my family tends to eat “lunch” at 4 or 5. lol

This week’s comic is loosely based on something that happened to me years ago. I’ve embellished it and added some funnies, of course, because let me tell you, getting a response of epic length isn’t very funny, or fun. It’s enough to make an editor want to run away and hide.
Admittedly, Edie’s kind of a meanie for laughing, but as a freelance editor, we can usually do something like this in private.
Hope you’re having a good week!