Peanut Butter Fruit and Compulsive Tree Shopping

When we first moved into the house, me and Mr. Pikko took turns buying trees we wanted or thought were cool. In the end we had a lime, a Meyer lemon, a mountain apple (from my dad), an orange, a jaboticaba, a pomegranate, bananas, and a peanut butter fruit tree.

The reason he bought the peanut butter tree was because Baby Girl can’t eat any nuts due to her being allergic to cashews.

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Weekly Weigh-In: January 16, 2012

As if I had jinxed myself, when I weighed in, I found that I’d actually gained weight, bouncing up to 158, which was disappointing since I’d managed to find time to exercise 3 times during the week.

This is the week of the Red Army invasion though, so I guess I can attribute it to bloating and water retention.

For exercise, I biked to work three days of the week, did basic Tae Bo twice, and gave Zumba another try.

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Lilikoi Butter Deliciousness

Earlier this year, our lilikoi (pronounced lih-lee-koh-ee) vine gave us a handful of lilikois and I thought that was it because all the other flowers fell off and I thought there would be no more fruit. Months later, the vine is going crazy with fruit, so much that I have at least 60 from the last week! My mother-in-law had been asking about lilikoi butter, so Mr. Pikko asked me to make some for her. I’d never made it before or even tasted it, having mostly just drank passion orange juice or eaten the fruit

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On Exercise and Daily Bathing

I’m fat. There’s just no getting around it already. Sure, I can brag all I want about how I lost 22 pounds in four months on Weight Watchers, but that was in 2007 and in the five years since then, I’ve gained it all back.

Although, five years? That’s awesome that it took that long, me! *pat pat on the back*

Anyway, I stepped on the scale on New Year’s Day and weighed in at a whopping 160.4.

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